Friday, December 5, 2008


By using a Script that integrates a recursion among other several functions we developed a repetition of triangles capable to adapt to many kind of surfaces by creating subdivisions based on a first geometry.

We managed to propagate a series of irregular triangles in a surface but then we managed to show how a regular division could be done, by finding the integrating points of each triangle in a base of rectangle’s division.

By controlling a random normal extrusion line we obtained the extrusion of the rectangulardivision with very different heights.

By duplicating the function used in the rectangles extrusion, the triangles followed a normal line individual for each one of them with random heights; but going one step behind, instead of extruding the triangle's division, we created a scaled offset of the main triangles and then lofted the two geometries, creating the effect that we were looking for from the beginning.

The roof at the end did accomplish the effect we expected with the lights and shadows, and adapted to the roof of the Institute, with no limits to develop itin any given surface. You can control some parameters within the script, such as the limit of the random height of each pyramid and limit the smallest size you for the base triangles.

IAAC 2007-2008 Scripting
Supervisors: Carlos Barrera, Luis Fraguada
Author: Mariana Paz Castellanos,
Rodrigo Langarica